Fourth Grade 2014-2015

Fourth Grade 2014-2015

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fantasy Book Summer Reading

Welcome to our new fourth graders! This year for our summer reading, instead of doing a written report, you have the option of participating in a discussion online. I hope this will let us all see and respond to each other's thoughts about the book.

As a reminder, you need to begin each comment with the book you read, and should write your first name only under "Comment As." You should then write down the number of the questions you are answering, followed by your answer. Later on, you should check back and respond to another student's comment.

For your fantasy book, you need to answer two of the following questions:

1. Who is the main character and how would you describe them? Are they like you at all-why or why not?

2. What do you think are the three most important things that happen in this book? Why are these the most important?

3. What in this book happens that makes it a fantasy? List at least two things, and be specific.

4. Is the "world" that the author created one that you would like to live in? Why or why not?


  1. 1.) The main character for my fantasy book is poppy. I would describe poppy as a mouse that acts like a human that talks and walks. Poppy is like me because she feels emotions.
    3.)The two things that are a fantasy in the book is when poppy will talk and she could carry a heavy flag across the forest.

    1. I'm glad you're posting here, Julean! I'm not sure if anyone else is going to post comments here, so I will so you can reply to something. I was wondering what adjectives you'd use to describe Poppy? Is she shy, lonely, outgoing?

    2. I would describe Poppy as outgoing, because she went into the forest to go to the new house and intoduced herself to two new friends, the wolf and porcupine.

    3. Hi Mrs.lindo its javon this is fantastic

    4. Hi Mrs.lindo its javon this is fantastic


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