Next week, students begin the TerraNova testing. They will not have any homework that week so that they can rest while at home. Please help your child to do his or her best by making sure that he or she:
1. Has at least 2 #2 sharpened pencils at school.
2. Eats a good breakfast.
3. Gets at least 8 hours of sleep.
4. Arrives at school on time. This is especially important since we will be starting some of the tests as soon as school begins in the morning in order to finish the section before lunch.
5. Relaxes and reads all the instructions.
6. Brings a healthy snack (fruit, granola bar, carrots, etc).
A note or words of encouragement are also always helpful. Do not stress the importance of this test (I believe that the projects and tests throughout the year are a better reflection of their learning than a single test anyways), but instead reassure them that you know they will do their best and that you believe in them.
In other classroom news, students brought in their finished "circuit rooms" this week. They did a wonderful job with them, and we had a good discussion comparing the different types of circuits that people made. We're also reading Shiloh right now, and will have a guest coming to our classroom next week from the Anti-Cruelty Society to share some stories about pets and abuse next Friday.
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