Fourth Grade 2014-2015

Fourth Grade 2014-2015

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


In this season of Lent, we are working as a class on almsgiving, fasting, and praying. To tie Lent into what we've been studying in the Ten Commandments, we made a calendar as a class with different Lenten activities each day, that tie into one of the commandments. For example, for "Keep holy the Lord's Day," the students came up with activities like going to Mass or reading the Bible. Please encourage your child to talk about what he or she has done so far for Lent. We will also have a Reconciliation service and a living stations of the cross in the week before Easter break.

For social studies, students have a menu of project ideas to choose from. They need to choose one from each category to complete about a Midwestern state. The projects are due between April 5-7, depending on the day the student signed up to present. We will also have a test that week. Students will have time in class to work on the graphic organizer and drawing part of these, so please make sure they have their materials.

We recently finished our unit on electricity and magnetism. Students did a great job creating series and parallel circuits for their shoebox rooms!

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