I hope everyone had a restful spring break! Thank you to all the parents who came in today to discuss report cards. I value the time we have to discuss your child's progress and set goals for the next quarter.
Above, you can see pictures from two projects that the students recently completed: making instruments to learn more about sound in science, and the Midwestern state projects in social studies. We will have a test on both these subjects this week. Social studies will be on Thursday, and science on Friday. We're also going to have the opportunity to visit the Museum of Science and Industry next week on Friday, April 26.
In English, we're learning about adverbs. Students wrote poems that began with adverbs, then illustrated them in a "squash book." In reading, we're doing guided reading groups with books that share a theme of justice: Shiloh, The Jacket, and The Liberation of Gabriel King. We'll be discussing point of view, themes, protagonist and antagonists, and making inferences with these books. In religion, we're continuing to learn about the Ten Commandments, finishing up talking about the sixth commandment, "You shall not commit adultery," this week. We're focusing on how we show we care about our friends and families and what makes everyone special and different.
Don't forget about the science fair! I have checked everyone's procedures and students should be conducting the experiments at home. While we will have a few class days next week to work on putting together the poster or trifold, the majority of this will need to be done at home. Projects will need to be brought into school on April 29. The students do not need to bring the experiment to school, only their poster or trifold. If they'd like to bring in something small to set in front of the poster or trifold, they may do so.