Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a relaxing break. April is Poetry Month, and we are holding a poetry contest as a school. The students received a list and examples of the four poem categories, and they need to write at least one to enter into the contest by Friday, April 27. They're welcome to enter all four contests, though! The science fair is just around the corner, and hopefully everyone saw the letter I sent home before break with important dates in it. The first part of the project is due this Monday, April 23, when the students need to hand in the question they are choosing to research, as well as decide if they're working on their own or with a partner. We went onto a great site today that has lots of ideas for science fair projects. If you would like to see it, click on the link below.
Next Monday, we are having a test on electricity and magnetism. The study guide was sent home yesterday. We're also going to have a vocabulary test this Friday.
Below are pictures from our trip to the Shedd Aquarium.
Thank you to everyone who came to our play on Thursday! The students did an excellent job, and I am very proud of what they have accomplished.
The students also showed themselves to be excellent engineers with the design and construction of their circuit rooms.
It is almost time for spring break! While we are all very excited to get this time to relax, please remember that Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are some of the holiest days in our Church year and should be kept respectfully.
We have a social studies test on Wednesday, and will be having a science test on April 23 on electricity. It is also time to start thinking about the science fair! A letter will be sent home this week with important dates and information, and the science fair will be held on May 17.