Fourth Grade 2014-2015

Fourth Grade 2014-2015

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014

I haven't posted pictures in a while, so there are a lot to share! Above, you can see the students creating water filters and electric circuits, at the Museum of Science and Industry, performing in our play, and working on an art project.

The students did a fantastic job at our play! I've had many compliments from people about their wonderful performance. I had a lot of fun directing, and I hope everyone enjoyed watching, too.

We're doing a lot of fun projects right now! In math, students were given a budget of $100.00, then looked through catalogues for things they could buy. They had to buy at least seven things, and the total amount needed to be at least $95.25. They practiced adding and subtracting with decimals to make sure that they spent all their money and stayed within their budget. In reading, students are using the iPads to make book trailers for their literature circle novels. I'm really excited to see how they turn out! When we get back from break, students will become electricians and design a circuit for a shoe box room. If anyone has any extra shoe boxes, please send them in with the students.

We also started working on five paragraph essays this week, which we will be working on until almost the end of the year. The first one that students are writing is going to be about why they like Chicago. There will be homework over spring break, and part of it will be to finish this essay. They will also have a math packet, and they should be working on their science fair experiments which are due May 5.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dig It!

Hope to see everyone tonight!

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

We're so excited that our play is almost here! We will be having a dress rehearsal in school this Wednesday, and the will be performing for the families and community on Thursday at 6:30. Tickets are for sale at the office. Buy them now, because the prices go up at the door! Please make sure your child brings his or her costume with him or her to school on Wednesday. You should have received a note last week explaining what your child needs to wear.

The students are still reading their literature circle books and meeting about every other day to discuss them. They've been taking a big leadership role and guiding the discussions themselves, and they've had some really interesting debates.

We're going to have an English test on adverbs and prepositions this Wednesday. After the test, we're going to begin working on five paragraph essays! The students have really impressed me with their writing this year, and I'm excited to see them continue to grow.

We've been busy in science class making circuits and electromagnets. We'll have a test on that next Thursday, April 17, as well as a math test on decimals.

Last week, we had a great awards ceremony honoring those students who won the economics poster contest. Out of the 27 winners, 9 came from our class! It was wonderful to see all of the students' work recognized.